

The Coach.AFL online platform is designed as a central resource centre for coaches.  It will serve as a national membership database, enable coaches to manage their CoachAFL Membership (including accreditation, ongoing education and compliance) and provide access to a central Online Repository housing quality coaching resources and educational support.

CoachAFL members will have exclusive access to high quality and consistent information that will:

  • Explain the development pathway for coaches of all age groups
  • Provide online educational and development opportunities
  • Provide accessible resources to guide coaches on their journey
  • Ensure aspiring coaches understand the significance of the role they play and how to positively influence the personal development of players of all ages and ability levels
  • Ensures coaches understand their obligations

Please see below the coaching pathway levels for CoachAFL 


All Coaches must be a member of CoachAFL to be able to Coach at any Football Club at any level. To sign up, visit 

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